Analyze online buying trends of your best customers and prospects

A strong ecommerce dataset can give you brand new insights into your own customer database. This data enables you to analyze online purchases and buying trends quickly, while identifying new opportunities in your target market.


Market Intelligence

Understand the ecommerce market with both historical and real-time data. Our ecommerce data can help you gain valuable insights on which websites potential buyers are most likely to use to purchase specific products and services. This helps marketers find new opportunities for campaigns and can help you make more informed decisions about your business objectives.

Demand Prediction

Plan for future sales and strategies by accurately being able to identify and predict trends in supply and demand. There were over 2 billion online shoppers in 2020, so being able to predict key buying habits and trends is critical to your success.

Pricing Intelligence

Our product datasets contain information about the price of certain products. The historical data within this dataset shows trends in how pricing changes over time and the most effective price point for a product or brand. Businesses can then utilize this data to determine how to price their products in the competitive market.

Retail Forecasting

With our ecommerce dataset, you can accurately predict supply chain forecasts and sales by using this data to monitor customer behavior. In turn, this historical and real-time data can help you adapt your marketing and supply strategies to better suit current and future customer demands.


Our extensive ecommerce database contains valuable information across multiple verticals as well as information on products, consumer behavior and sales.

Customer Demographics

Narrow in on the right customers who are most likely to be interested in your product or service.

  • Age
  • Location
  • Gender
  • Product preferences
  • Preferred brand
  • Most recent purchases

Conversion Metrics

Gain more insights on online customer conversion behavior, including:

  • Number of online purchases
  • Specific sales data
  • Conversion rates
  • Average order value
  • Shopping cart abandonment rate
  • Cost per acquisition


Email Engagement

Analyze customer behavior and intent based on how prospects/customers respond to emails. This includes:

  • Email list growth rate
  • Email bounce rate
  • Open rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Click through rate
  • Unsubscribes

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