Send direct mail and email to customers who just visited your website

Alesco’s Website ID service allows you to reach anonymous website visitors via personalized direct mail and/or email, leading to significantly higher conversion rates from your site traffic.

Studies show that over 98% of website visitors leave without providing their contact details. Unfortunately, display ad retargeting has proven to be an ineffective media choice for most advertisers. Many companies are searching for a solution that will enable them to identify those anonymous individuals and reach them with one-to-one retargeting efforts.

WebID is a unique process where we match 30%-40% of your anonymous site traffic to postal and email records which enables direct mail and/or email retargeting. We further enhance the data by utilizing proprietary algorithms that analyze page views and overall engagement of each visitor and identifies the highest value prospects for your retargeting efforts. All of the data is available for download and includes email addresses.

Qualified companies for this service should have a minimum of 10,000 unique website visitors per month.


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